Posts Tagged ‘Lois Smethurst’

NECC 2009 Video and Blurb (from Australia)

Saturday, July 18th, 2009

Lois Smethurst, an educator from Australia, wrote the story below.  See 2 video clips & a little blurb about the “Kids Teaching Kids/Mathtrain” presentation I did at the NECC Conference in Washington, DC.

I was invited to present in the TechSmith booth.  It was an amazing experience.  Yeah, I know.  I spoke way too fast.  But hey, I was excited!

Thanks to @loisath New blog post: The Mathtrain @ NECC09

Jen, Eric, Lois at NECC09

Jen, Eric, Lois at NECC09

Use this link to read the story if the above one does not work: