Posts Tagged ‘kids’

Give Me a “B”, Give Me an “L”, Give Me a “C”… BLC 2010 is here!

Monday, July 12th, 2010

BLC10 Conference I’m in Boston for this year’s BLC 10, which is Alan November’s Building Learning Communities conference.

This is always the greatest conference.  This year, I am co-presenting with one of my former students “Jerry”.  We will be discussing and demonstrating our “Kids Teaching Kids” classroom model and student screencasting.

Our sessions:

Kids Teaching Kids:
Empowering Students through Screencasting

Wed, July 14th, at 11:45 am – 1:00 pm (Room: Statler)
Thu, July 15th, at 11:30 am – 12:45 pm (Room: Terrace)

See you at our sessions.  In the meantime, check out our iTunes Podcast or Mathtrain.TV.

ISTE 2010: Here We Come!

Thursday, June 24th, 2010

Just a few days away from the ISTE 2010 Conference in Denver, CO.  Come see student “Bob” and me present in the TechSmith booth as well as a formal session on Wednesday!

Please come visit us in the TechSmith booth! We don’t work for TechSmith, but they were once again so kind in sponsoring our trip and presentation.  Sadly, our school district and school has never assisted us when we go present our student work.  But thankfully, TechSmith understands.  They paid for us to fly out and stay in Denver to participate in the conference.

Here’s the scoop:

ISTE 2010 Conference, Denver, CO

Wednesday, 06/30/10
1:30PM – 2:30PM
Room 504 (CCC)

Formal Session/Lecture
Sponsored by TechSmith

This session focuses on the positive effects of adopting a collaborative “kids teaching kids” model via student-created screencasts. This collaborative model helped spark student interest and enthusiasm inside and outside of the classroom. Our student-created screencast lessons (also known as mathcasts) have reached a global audience thanks to Alan November, our free Mathtrain.TV web site and our iTunes Podcast.

Actual student-created screencasts will be shown. Attendees will also learn how to create their own screencasts and watch a live student demonstration of the process.
Student, “Bob”, will be co-presenting.

Mathtrain.TV: Episode 26

Saturday, October 4th, 2008

My Students Interview ICTGUY in Australia.
