Posts Tagged ‘’

Mathtrain.TV: Episode 67, Area of Composite Figures

Tuesday, May 11th, 2010

Here, we learn how to find the area of a composite figure.


Mathtrain.TV: Episode 66, Angle Measures

Tuesday, April 20th, 2010

6th grader, “Kat”, shows us how to find missing angle measures.


Mathtrain.TV: Episode 65, 3D iPad Un-Boxing

Wednesday, April 7th, 2010

In 3D, another World’s First! Yes, it’s another boring “unboxing” of the iPad. But we tried to make it just a bit more interesting by bringing it to you in 3D.

I think the beginning effects look the most promising. We’ll keep experimenting with the 3D webcam.


Mathtrain.TV: Episode 64, Simple Interest

Saturday, March 6th, 2010

Sixth Grade students “Matthew”, “Nathan” & “Harry” make their debut showing us how to solve a simple interest problem.


Mathtrain.TV: Episode 63, Sasha Percent

Saturday, February 27th, 2010

Sasha returns to show us how to solve a percent problem by using a proportion.


Mathtrain.TV: Episode 62, Algebra and Radicals

Saturday, February 27th, 2010

Algebra and Radicals is the debut from middle school student, “Sasha”.


Mathtrain.TV: Episode 61, Percent of a Number part 2

Saturday, February 13th, 2010

Percent of a Number, part 2.


Mathtrain.TV: Episode 60, Percent of a Number

Saturday, February 13th, 2010

A Quick Look at:

Percent of a Number


Mathtrain.TV: Episode 59 Recorded Live

Saturday, January 2nd, 2010

Recorded Live Skype Call Screencast

Recorded Live in Santa Monica, CA, during a Skype Call with school
IS 281 – Joseph B. Cavallaro School in Brooklyn, NY.

From Santa Monica, CA to Brooklyn, NY
December 18, 2009

Featuring 7th grader, “Jerry”.


Mathtrain.TV: Episode 56

Friday, August 14th, 2009

How to Subscribe to our Mathtrain.TV iTunes Podcast

(it’s free!)


Mathtrain.TV: Episode 55 “Our First Student Screencast from 2007″

Friday, July 24th, 2009

Here is our first official, student-created mathcast from 2007.  It is the early version,which is not edited too much.  It is a bit longer than most of our math videos.

However, 6th grader “Bob” (not her real name) created this on the spot, with no script and no rehearsal.  It was also her FIRST time ever using Camtasia Studio.  Camtasia Studio is the screen recording software we use.  I thought we should release this as an episode.

*revised for iPod/iPhone

Mathtrain.TV: Episode 54

Wednesday, June 10th, 2009

Probability with Ben & Jerry

6th graders “Ben” and “Jerry” show us a probability example using 2 spinners.
