Now Playing: Ladder Method for LCM and GCF
  • Description:  Jerry shows us the Ladder Method for finding the LCM and GCF. CCSS.Math.Content.6.NS.B.4
  • Tags:  lcm gcf ladder jerry math mathtrain student-created lincoln
  • Channel:  Student-Created Videos
  • Common Core State Standards:  6.NS.B.4
  • Added:  11-10-09  Views:  (69686)
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Date: 10-05-14
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Hi "Jerry"!

Our doctoral program recently viewed your tutorial: here are some comments.

"As a reading/literature teacher, I have no knowledge of The Ladder Method.  How very informative and well presented"

- Pam

"This is really interesting.  You are demonstrating 'learning by doing'.  I like it."

- Abdul

"Your video is awesome!  It was so easy to understand LCM and GCF using the ladder method.  You're helping out a lot of kids!

- not signed

It is very creative way to present fun-learning math solving problems.  Good Job!

- not signed

"The description of the step-wise process was good, but as someone who has not done LCM or GCF in a long time, I would like more information on how you know what steps to take so I'll be able to use your process on other problems.

- not signed

"Thanks for the video.  I enjoyed your help with the terminologies!"

- not signed

"Excellent explanation - very easy to follow and understand.  You did a great job and really owned the concept.

- not signed


 Thank you %u201CJerry%u201D J - Jillian

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